I have always appreciated the rivalry of tribes #2
I have always appreciated the rivalry of tribes – Part 2 >English
רְשִׁימ֥וֹת־תֹּ֖הוּ | An Interview with Werwolf >Satanic Warmaster
By: Yossi Ben-Oz, Noa Artzi, Tal Idan
Since the previous part was already preface, we will not tire you all with another one.
So, this is the 2nd part of the interview with Werwolf of Satanic Warmaster. in this part we dived more into the spiritual & thought that stand behind SWMs art and werwolf himself.
For the 1st part of this interview - click this.
This piece was made possible thanks to a third party (a dear friend) who wishes to remain anonymous.
Questions: Noa Artzi, Tal Idan & Yossi Ben Oz.
Edited & proofed by Noa Artzi & Yossi Ben Oz.
Preface: Yossi Ben Oz.
We are proud to present: The 2nd part of the interview with Satanic Warmaster.
Take a deep breath. Don’t fear the ride.
In one of your interviews you have made a pretty puzzling claim – something about science being a “new God”. One can see where it’s coming from, as one can claim for example, that science masks the true spiritual nature of things by portraying them as if they are all but material, hence serving as a gateway to an “enslaving materialism”. I am interested to hear your take on this subject.
-As religion has lost a lot of its influence (Finland as a prime example), people clearly need a new institution to follow. The amount of blind following of scientific explanations of things and academized justification of things that are mostly based on feelings (like sociology) is in many cases horrific. Just like the people who were never able to grasp the actual spiritual side of religion, they will never truly understand the complexity of research, and those who wield the power of bringing the ideas to them know it. With the hedonistic and materialist nature of the western world, this is the new way to control the masses.
Do you really think science isolates us from a meaningful contemplation and confrontation with death and thus with existence itself?
- Yes.
One of my favorite poets is Uri Zvi Greenberg. UZG was a traditionalistic-nationalistic Hebrew poet, that wrote a great deal of his writings in the first few years that followed the Holocaust & the 2nd world war. He is very interesting for he sets ablaze a new Hebrew spirit; One of freedom, Warriors, Kings & the strive for the renewal of times immemorial. At times I think his writings can really be great if were composed into a black metal musical structure. I want to run through you a taste of his work, ask you for your thoughts about it:
Your Rabbis have taught you: There is one truth for nations:
Blood for Blood - and it is not the Jews-Truth.
And I sayeth: One truth and not two of them.
As one sun and just as there is no two Jerusalem.
Written in the lore of conquest of Moses and Yehoshua
And to the last of my kings & wounded lions,
Truth, canines of exiles and traitors have eaten.
And that beeth a day and from Egypts river to Euphrates
And from sea to passage of Moab will my lads rise
And calleth my foes and my haters to the last of battles.
And the blood, only it shall say: Who is the sole ruler here.
(One truth and not two of them | by: Uri Zvi Greenberg, Translation: Yossi Ben-Oz)
-Well written indeed. As I have always said, concepts such as these have no boundaries of race or nation, and I have always appreciated the rivalry of tribes, no matter where or on what scale. I am sure that to some, these powerful words resonate on a very personal level.
Does spirituality serve as your guide in your music? Your later albums are very powerful, yet unlike your “filthier” and earlier efforts, these seem to incorporate an element of order and even beauty. Combined with the visuals, these albums remind me of looming gothic cathedrals and bombastic Wagnerian pieces, and the experience of a higher, bigger presence brought forth by these. It has already been suggested that beauty is appealing to man, since it offers him a sneak peek to the Absolute. Do you think music is a way for touching the transcendent? If so, how does this get along with your proclaimed Nihilism & Anarchism? Moreover: what is spirituality to you?
-Yes, the whirlwind of my beliefs and spiritual rebellion swirling hand in hand still guide my creations. In that sense I continuously transcend this world, and what is left behind is my earthly fortress of nihilism, anarchism, destruction and hate.
Your musical engagements are quite widespread and varied in genre. How do you combine it all? Especially Punk-Hardcore & Black Metal... I admit that this combination sounds odd to begin with.
-I have never limited myself into any particular way of expression. Only to those who think of music genres and styles as "scenes" and "lifestyles" in themselves find it odd. Those who truly experience things, don't.
Do you think Black Metal can inspire the birth of a new spiritual elite? If so, how exactly?
-In a way it has been already happening. Yet I am not the one to talk about it.
You’ve once said: “It is Europe's fault it had let all the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims in”. I’ve always wandered: How can one explain then, the tendency of Europeans to EMBRACE Christianity so wholeheartedly and for so long? And also (and that’s a harsh one): If Meritocracy is the path of the glorious, then how come the Aryan race is still considered supreme after losing its battle to the Hebrew race? Doesn’t this mean that an Israelite elite should be the true hero of reality?
-It was a long process to have Europeans adapt to Christianity, and it was also a good tool for those who wielded the crucifix so naturally they held onto it. As far as I know, the Hebrew race didn't exactly win anything? Wasn't it more like a country as a consolation prize for the atrocities Nazi Germany committed?
At times I ponder: if Germania & Israelia are two opposites, this intrinsically means they are two sides of the same essence since collision is possible only if the two are moving on the same axis. What are your thoughts regarding this notion?
-Correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I have understood, Nazi Germany wanted to get rid of their Jewish population. There were no two nations that could be compared from the last century. Israel resumed existence only after Germany was nothing but an apologizing, crawling joke, so neither side of this supposed polarity hasn't even existed simultaneously, but of course if you are talking of both nations executing similar policies in many ways, that is of course a known fact.
To conclude - a suggestion: What would you say if I was to invite you to come and play a live show in Tel Aviv? I know for a fact there are quite some fans here in Israel for SWM. This suggestion is actually official, made by a local production group that has brought us some great underground metal acts over the past few years, that when heard about this interview said they would be delighted to arrange this.
-I would be more than honored to perform to the Satanic Warmaster fans in Israel.
I want to thank you very much for this opportunity. This is really a unique and intriguing adventure. Keep the spirit of Metal alive! \m/
-Thank you for the interview. LUX EX TENEBRIS - HEIL LUZIFER.

Satan, some one to live for
The 2nd part of the interview with Werwolf of SWM. A foe to drink beer with.

But is it also masking the fundamental spiritual structure of things?

One truth and not two of them
—By Uri Zvi Greenberg
“concepts such as these have no boundaries of race or nation, and I have always appreciated the rivalry of tribes"

Is transcending me, left behind is my earthly fortress of nihilism, anarchism, destruction and hate.

Religion of the Blood?
“I do believe that our blood dictates who we are to a high degree, and no demonization caused by historical events can ever change that."
The relation to Blood is common in pagan cultures, and: Yes, the Nazis also embraced it.

Satanic Warmaster Live in Israel?
Magics, do happen some say.
Picture for SWM Facebook